The Feminine Founder

91: {Pep Talk} Let's talk LinkedIn Engagement

Caroline Pennington Season 2 Episode 91

Hey friend! When I say the word engagement on LinkedIn do you have a blank stare? Maybe you have a profile created, but haven't really done anything with your account at this time. This episode is for YOU! Today I go through LinkedIn engagement Do's and Don'ts. And how to get started with creating and getting engagement on LinkedIn. 

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Former Executive Recruiter turned LinkedIn Expert & Entrepreneur. I'm here to show you that you can do it too! I teach women how to start, grow and scale their personal brand and business on LinkedIn. In 2021 I launched ChilledVino, my patented wine product and in 2023 I launched The Feminine Founder Podcast. I live in South Carolina with my husband Gary and 2 Weimrarners, Zena & Zara.

This podcast is a supportive and inclusive community where I interview and bring women together that are fellow entrepreneurs and workplace experts. We believe in sharing our stories, unpacking exactly how we did it and talking through the mindset shifts needed to achieve great things.

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IG @cpennington55

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I'm so happy you are here!! Thanks for listening!!!

Caroline Pennington (00:01.368)
Today I wanna talk about one of my favorite topics, which is LinkedIn, but not just LinkedIn. I wanna talk about specifically your engagement on LinkedIn. And you may be sitting here listening to this podcast today and thinking, engagement? I don't have anything going on on LinkedIn. I just have a shell of a profile built. And if so, that's okay too. So today I'm gonna go over do's and don'ts when it comes to LinkedIn engagement. And I hope this is helpful to you in your LinkedIn journey.

So first of all, maybe you have a LinkedIn profile created but you're not sure what to do with it. So even if you aren't at the point where you're ready to start committing to doing content consistently, I would highly encourage you to start interacting with other people's profile. And what does that mean? Maybe you have a profile set up and your feed isn't quite where you'd like it to be. I would encourage you to first curate your feed. LinkedIn has a feature on it

that's called Grow. So you go to the My Connections tab and right below it there's a Grow tab and that is the AI that LinkedIn uses that will help generate profiles that are similar to what you're doing or your clients or the type of subjects that you are particularly interested in. So I would encourage you to start there, go to the Grow tab and start connecting with people in there that are suggested to you by LinkedIn.

That'll help with creating a magical feed for yourself. And if your feed is not anything worth the shit right now, you can change that too. Even if you started from scratch, you can create a feed. I've actually changed my feed two, if not three times now. It was recruiting at first when I was doing recruiting, then it was hiring an HR based, and then recently it's been more entrepreneurial based because those are the types of clients that I'm serving.

So go in there and curate your feed first. So once you've got your feed going and you are really liking the content that you're seeing, the people that are posting out there are saying things that you're excited about, maybe they're sharing articles, maybe it's thought leadership or polls, I would highly encourage you to start interacting with the content creators in your feed. And I know it seems super scary that everyone in your network and that you're connected to can see your likes or your comments.

Caroline Pennington (02:23.071)
but I would highly encourage you to start interacting with other people first. And even if that means going in there and pressing a like or celebrating what someone's saying or pressing even the heart button that you love what they're saying, it all goes a really long way on LinkedIn. And if you decide to start interacting with other profiles and you wanna do some things that are more effective than likes, is I would highly encourage you to go on there and start commenting on other people's profiles.

and their post. So say things like insightful comments. And you don't have to write a book, you don't have to do three to five sentences, it can be one quick sentence. But say something that's more than just agreed or exactly or love this. Those are nice things to say, but the reader, the content creator and the other viewers on LinkedIn actually want to understand why you said that. So when you start your commenting on LinkedIn, make sure it's thoughtful.

Also, you start recruiting, not recruiting, if you start liking and commenting on people's posts, it will compound. So I would highly encourage you to start to get on LinkedIn every single day and comment on two to three individuals' content and profiles, okay? So that's my challenge to you if you're listening to this. Also, I had this happen this past week and it actually made me chuckle.

I had someone slide into my DMs on LinkedIn and she said, I want you to start commenting on my posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And keep in mind this person never has posted on my content, never has liked anything, never has sent me a DM. So one thing to keep in mind is LinkedIn is more of an organic platform. it's considered...

best practices to be positive on LinkedIn, be professional on LinkedIn. If you are gonna engage with others or want engagement back, make sure that it's organic. The people that I engage with on LinkedIn and my fellow content creators and influencers on LinkedIn that I'm connected with, interact with regularly, they're on there saying things I generally am excited about what they're saying. And so one thing you can do if you have a content creator or a profile of someone who you really like what they're saying,

Caroline Pennington (04:40.442)
you can go into their profile and it's called ring the bell. They have a bell on the far right hand side and you can click that and be notified every single time they have a new post come out. So I would encourage you for listening to this podcast. If you have content creators or people that you're enjoying what you're liking that they're doing on LinkedIn, go in and ring their bell. I hope this was helpful. If you liked it, I would appreciate you liking it, sharing it, leaving a review. I appreciate you.

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